Three reasons why your office needs box storage

From complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to making the working day more productive, filing and archiving systems are an invaluable asset to business operations. Most offices continue to house a significant amount of essential paperwork that cannot be recycled or destroyed in the short to medium term.

From contracts, licences and certificates to legal, financial and personal data, organisations are legally required to keep a wide range of paperwork for several years. While the length of time to store different types of documents differs across Europe, and personal data should not be kept any longer than necessary, keeping paperwork safely and securely is more important now than it has ever been.

A sustainable and robust answer to records storage is premium storage boxes. These offer the dual benefits of a recycled and recyclable solution that aligns with environmental goals, and robust design for long term use.



GDPR has made the correct storage of personal data a huge priority for every organisation that manages it. Businesses are responsible for keeping data safe, secure and auditable, and this includes keeping confidential papers properly stored, away from prying eyes.

Leaving paperwork on workstations or on shared surfaces in an office can have consequences, but it appears organisations aren’t always as careful as they should be. The penalties facing businesses that experience a data breach can include significant financial fines, damage to reputation and loss of customer trust, yet Fellowes research has found that 50% of people have seen confidential or personal data left unattended in an office.

Effective filing and archiving reduce the risk of paperwork being viewed or picked up by unauthorised individuals.


Improved storage can free up a significant amount of space, helping organisations manage their resources better and releasing floor areas for other uses. The simple act of placing files and paperwork into improved storage can even support cost effective growth, by providing extra space for more employees and reducing the need for new premises. Solutions that achieve a high level of space saving include heavy-duty storage boxes and stacking storage units, which can be stacked up to seven boxes high. Their plastic and steel frames can interlock horizontally and vertically, ensuring optimum strength and safety.


With increased productivity a priority for organisations across Europe, helping people to work quickly and efficiently is important, and this includes time spent looking for documents.

The need to locate paperwork easily has also become more paramount since GDPR came into force. This gives people a right to request details of any personal data held on them and requires organisations to comply with data access or acceptable data deletion requests.

Time spent looking for paperwork can be eliminated by keeping paperwork and files in the right kind of storage system. For easier paperwork access, system file stores are versatile units that can be used horizontally or vertically, with or without drawers. These can store A4 files, magazine files, lever arch files and ring binders, and are ideal for paperwork that needs to be accessed regularly.

Creating a clear, logical and consistent labelling approach is important. Colleagues should agree and use one labelling system so that any user can quickly identify and locate files. A large labelling area at the front of the drawers helps to achieve this.


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